Tuesday 24 May 2016

Me-Made May week 3

And past the halfway mark for me made May I am just storming on ahead with the me-mades that I have in my daily wardrobe. I have only had two repeats since the month started... TWO!! And I thought I was only going to be able to wear three things a week!!

Allow me to give you a run down of week three...

And n Sunday I cosied up in my fleece backed Fraser sweatshirt (I'm totally making more this winter coming), on Monday I wore an as yet unblogged New Look 6217 kimono sleeve top. It was a muslin that I made over the weekend, but a totally wearable one... Keep your eyes peeled for yet more of these, and the blog post to match.

On Tuesday I had a meeting at work so I repeated an outfit and wore my Coco top again to make sure I was smart enough (or because I just really love this top!!). On Wednesday I wore a very thin and Wiley Renfrew t shirt. I'm not sure about this top, the neckline gapes badly and the hem looks a bit unfinished. I may have to go back and adjust this one to make it really wearable.

Thursday was another repeat, this time of my copycat top, which I really do wear quite a lot.. It's definitely a favourite.

Friday was frock day (honestly, it's a thing I think I've started at work... Well, just for me anyway, no one else does it) so I had on my fantastically fitting lady skater dress! On Saturday I was going out with my girls for a cheeky drink or two, so I tarted myself up and wore my rayon pleated skirt that I made for the  Christmas party (yes the copycat top is from the leftovers of this skirt).

So once again it was all me mades... But it felt like a little bit of a cheat because I repeated two of them... But I'm not going to feel bad about that because I'm still kicking my targets ass!! 

More updates in week 4! Final week people... Final week!!

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